He's FINALLY here!!!

Maxwell Jeffrey Peterson
Born March 16, 2011 at 1:46 a.m.
7 lbs 5 oz
20 inch long
I'm sorry these dang pictures are so small! They're from my cell phone. Darn.

Kyle and I went in to the doctors to have my weekly check up and our doctor told me that my blood pressure was a bit high and my proteins were high as well, so in the best interest of me and the baby I should go to the hospital and be induced. We were a little caught off guard but SO excited! It was such a crazy feeling... heading to the hospital and knowing that our lives were going to change forever.

They started me on the Patosin (not sure how that's spelled) and my contractions became steady and painful, so I made the best decision of my life and got the epidural. Bless the person who invented this heavenly drug!! Anyhow... the doctor came in and broke my water and also upped the dosage of Patosin. As my contractions became stronger, Max's heart rate was getting crazier. The next thing we knew, nurses were everywhere telling others to call the doctor and get someone in there because his heart rate was off the charts. They threw kyle a hair net and apron and told him to prepare for an emergency c-section.

I was absolutely freaked out. It was terrifying! The nurses gave me a shot to stop the contractions, and when they did that, his heart rate leveled out. They suspected the cord was caught either around his neck or pinned somewhere, like his arm pit. The possibility of a c-section was still on the table so Kyle, my dad, and my step-dad gave me a beautiful blessing. Another doctor came in and told me that if I was able to push, I would most likely need to be cut and she would probably have to use the forceps and the suction which could cause some trauma to the baby. Also, the doctor told us that Max was turned and facing the wrong way. Great.

13 hours later the doctor gave me the ok to start pushing. By the grace of God, Max turned and I was able to push him out without being cut or having to use the suction or forceps just under an hour.

Now our little miracle is here and we couldn't be prouder parents. We love him so much and can't imagine life without him.
He had some jaundice so we had to keep him on this little "tanning bed" for a few days. He's doing MUCH better!

We love this little guy!