I'd like to say all of my weight gain was from being pregnant ... but to be honest, it all started when Kyle and I started dating. I went on a cruise with some friends and it all went down hill from there!
Here's my problem:
I love love LOVE food.
And I absolutely HATE, I mean really detest, working out.
I think my negative thoughts of working out go back to P.E. in Jr. High ... running around the gym to the music of Grease in Mrs. Scott's class. Not fun memories for me. OH! And the "fun" run! What the heck was fun about it?!
Any who, I've really packed on the weight. I am SO sick of it!
I've gone through phases .. I'd work out really well for maybe 3 weeks and then get frustrated and quit. Nothing was really working for me.
my sister-in-law started doing to the Weight Watchers Online Program. I decided to join her in hopes that it would do something for me. Anything!
I really stayed strict with my points and watched my weight drop. Seriously. It dropped so fast, I couldn't believe it! (I wasn't even working out!)
*they're not paying me to say this by the way*
Looking back I couldn't believe how horribly I ate. I ate anything, anytime, anywhere. I ate a lot. My portions were HUGE. I realized I was always trying to eat as much as Kyle (which is weird, maybe it was a woman power thing). My portion sizes are so much more controlled now and I'm not as hungry as I use to be.
I started in January and and today I reached one of my big goals!
I've lost 20 pounds! wohoo! But I still have a ways to go.
Bring it on.